
Autor Mellick, Jill
Verlag Scheidegger u. Spiess
Auflage/ Erscheinungsjahr 22.11.2018
Format 30 × 24 cm
Einbandart/ Medium/ Ausstattung Ledereinband
Seiten/ Spieldauer 456 Seiten
Abbildungen Mit 545 farb. u. 22 schw.-w. Abb.
Gewicht 2741
ISBN 9783858818164

Jill Mellicks Arbeit - ein Schlüssel zu C.G. Jungs legendärem Roten Buch

Zu dieser Edition

In 1913, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and theorist Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) experienced powerful visions, often terrifying. However, seeing their great potential value he found ways to encourage further visions and fantasies. Over many years, he recorded his experiences in a series of small journals, added commentaries and transcribed them, using calligraphy and illuminations, into a large, red, leather-bound volume, commonly known as The Red Book. Jung never published the Liber Novus, as he called this pivotal part of his oeuvre, and left no instructions for its final disposition, and it therefore remained unpublished until recently.

The large format, leather-bound volume of The Red Book Hours complements the facsimile edition and English-language translation of The Red Book, published in 2009, and draws out insights into Jung’s affinity with art as a means of personal insight. Psychologist and multimedia artist Jill Mellick documents copious research into Jung’s choices regarding media and technique and his careful design of environments in which he could experience creative processes and allow unconscious content to flow forth. Her unlikely journey includes explorations of memory, serendipity, and science. A stunning interplay of texts and images includes magnifications of the wildly colorful and intricately detailed sketches from The Red Book and a selection of Jung’s own pigments, never seen until now, The Red Book Hours presents a more comprehensive picture than ever before of the foundational psychoanalyst’s experience and expression of his rich inner world.

Stimmen zum Buch

«After reading this book, The Red Book will certainly never be the same. Even Jung will not be the same; now we can really appreciate his impressive technique and immense capacity for focus, patience, and commitment. This book makes an invaluable contribution to understanding Jung and his work, apart from being a true pleasure for the eyes and the soul.»

Lucia Azevedo, in: Jung Journal Culture & Psyche

«The Red Book Hours offer une image plus complète que jamais auparavant du vécu du psychanalyste fondateur et de l’expression de son riche monde intérieur.»

Christian Raguet, in: Revue de Psychologie Analytique

«The Red Book Hours by Jill Mellick reads like a deep, rich tapestry, not only amplifying the styles and artistic techniques used by C.G. Jung in the Red Book, but explores Jung’s creative process and its relationship to spiritual and contemplative practices. […] Reading it invites anyone drawn to understanding Jung to take up their own pens, pencils, pastels, and art materials to play in the field of creative impulse, recognizing that soul-making is intimately involved with inspired, imaginative expression.»

Judy Zappacosta, in: Journal of Sandplay Therapy

Die Autorin

Jill Mellick, Ph.D, professor emerita, is a clinical psychologist, researcher, nonfiction and fiction author, and multimedia artist. An innovator in graduate psychology studies, she has been founding director and lecturer for both a doctoral research program and a doctoral specialization in the role of the creative arts in psychological and spiritual healing and growth. She has been in private practice as a Jungian psychotherapist and expressive arts therapist in Palo Alto, CA, since 1984. .


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