
Autor Brown, Carolyn
Verlag Suhrkamp
Auflage/ Erscheinungsjahr 2015
Format 13,2 × 1,3 × 19,7 cm
Einbandart/ Medium/ Ausstattung Paperback
Seiten/ Spieldauer 240 Seiten
Reihe Arden Shakespeare and Theory
ISBN 9781472503237

Zu diesem Buch

Although psychoanalytic criticism of Shakespeare is a prominent and prolific field of scholarship, the analytic methods and tools, theories, and critics who apply the theories have not been adequately assessed. This book fills that gap. It surveys the psychoanalytic theorists who have had the most impact on studies of Shakespeare, clearly explaining the fundamental developments and concepts of their theories, providing concise definitions of key terminology, describing the inception and evolution of different schools of psychoanalysis, and discussing the relationship of psychoanalytic theory (especially in Shakespeare) to other critical theories.

It chronologically surveys the major critics who have applied psychoanalysis to their readings of Shakespeare, clarifying the theories they are enlisting; charting the inception, evolution, and interaction of their approaches; and highlighting new meanings that have resulted from such readings. It assesses the applicability of psychoanalytic theory to Shakespeare studies and the significance and value of the resulting readings.

Aus der Einleitung der Autorin

Die Autorin

Carolyn Brown received her PhD in English from the University of California–Davis. Her specialization is Shakespeare and Renaissance / Early Modern literature, from a feminist, psychoanalytic, historicist, and /or political perspective. She has published in several anthologies on Shakespeare and the following journals: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900; Texas Studies in Literature and Language; Studies in Philology; American Imago; Literature and Psychology; Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History; English Literary Renaissance; and Shakespeare Studies. Her forthcoming book is on Shakespeare and psychoanalytic theory, to be published by Arden Shakespeare.


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