Autor | Brodie, Mike |
Verlag | Twin Palms Publishers, Santa Fe |
Auflage/ Erscheinungsjahr | 2013, (4. Druckauflage im Jahr d. Erstausgabe) |
Format | 33,0 × 27,9 cm |
Einbandart/ Medium/ Ausstattung | Leinwand m. Schutzumschlag |
Seiten/ Spieldauer | 113 Seiten |
Abbildungen | Mit 60 vierfarbigen Photos |
SFB Artikelnummer (SFB_ID) | SFB-003770_AC |
Im Angebot der mehrfach ausgezeichnete großformatige Fotokunstband Mike Brodies, erschienen bei Twin Palms, Los Angeles, einem der wichtigsten us-amerikanischen Kunstverlage für zeitgenössische Fotografie, in welchem Brodie seine Erlebnisse und Begegnungen als "Zugbegleiter" mit us-amerikanischen Jugendlichen dokumentiert, die als Aussteigerkids auf Güterzügen "schwarz" durch das Land fahren und sich Freighthopper oder Hobos nennen . - Beeindruckende Aufnahmen sind dabei entstanden.
Über den Fotokünstler
At 17 Mike Brodie hopped his first train close to his home in Pensacola, FL thinking he would visit a friend in Mobile, AL. Instead the train went in the opposite direction to Jacksonville, FL. Days later, Brodie rode the same train home, arriving back where he started. Nonetheless, it sparked something and Brodie began to wander across the U.S. by any means that were free – walking, hitchhiking and train hopping. Shortly after, Brodie found a camera stuffed behind a carseat.
Brodie spent years crisscrossing the U.S. documenting his experiences, now appreciated as one of the most impressive archives of American travel photography. When asked about his approach to travel and photography Brodie has said “sometimes I take a train the wrong way or…whatever happens a photo will come out of it, so it doesn’t really matter where I end up.”
Born 1985 in Arizona, Mike Brodie first began photographing in 2004 when he was given a Polaroid camera. Working under the moniker, The Polaroid Kidd, Brodie spent the next four years circumambulating the U.S. amassing an archive of photographs that would go on to make up one of the few, true collections of American travel photography. Having never undergone any formal training, he chose to remained untethered to the pressures and expectations of the art market.
Brodie compulsively documented his explorations and as suddenly as he began making photographs, he left the medium behind.
In Archiv der SFB-Kunstabteilung ist der begehrte Band in wenigen verlagsfrischen und folienverschweißtes Exemplaren verfügbar.
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