
Autor Strachey, Alix
Auflage/ Erscheinungsjahr 1943, EA
Format 21,8 × 14,0 cm
Einbandart/ Medium/ Ausstattung OLn. mit geprägtem Titel
Seiten/ Spieldauer 84 (2) Seiten
Reihe Research Supplements to the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Band 1
SFB Artikelnummer (SFB_ID) SFB-006638_AQ

Aus dem Vorwort des Herausgebers

"THIS vocabulary is essentially an enlarged and revised edition of the Glossary for the Use of Translators of Psycho-Analytical Works which was brought out as Supplement No. i to the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis in 1924, and of the short list of additions and emendations which appeared some years later. It aims at bringing English translators of psycho-analytical literature up to date with modern German terminology and at recording the expansion and standardization which our own vocabulary of technical and allied terms has undergone in the intervening years.

It should be made plain at the outset that this vocabulary is, as its title implies, designed for the practical purpose of assisting translators of psycho-analytical works. Accordingly, on the one hand it is not limited to a list of strictly psycho-analytical terms: it contains a large number of words belonging to allied sciences and to ordinary speech which are frequently used in psychoanalysis, sometimes in special senses. On the other hand no attempt has been made to give definitions of the German terms, still less any references or quotations.

The new vocabulary has in the main been arranged on the same lines as the old glossary. What differences there are are of a minor character. As regards typography, the classification of the English words has been somewhat simplified and is now as follows : The words are printed either in small capitals or in ordinary type. Those printed in small capitals represent standardized or strongly recommended translations. Those printed in ordinary type represent less fixed translations or translations of German terms which are not used technically in a psycho-analytical sense. In these cases the translator may disregard the suggested renderings and choose any other words that seem preferable to him—except, of course, when the expression is a technical one in some other field of knowledge, such as medicine or psychiatry (e.g. Wahnsystern, 'delusional system' ; Abfuhrinnervation, 'efferent innervation').

Where more than one translation is printed in small capitals this is done for reasons of style—for instance, to enable the translator to avoid too frequent a use of hyphenated words, or, on the other hand, to enable him to use hyphenated words when the longer form would be awkward (e.g. Ichfunktion is usually translated as FUNCTION OF THE EGO ; but Ichfunktion des Organs, as EGO-FUNCTION OF AN ORGAN)—or because the alternative renderings have a slightly different shade of meaning (e.g. psycho-analytisch, PSYCHO-ANALYTIC and PSYCHO-ANALYTICAL), or else when there is often an equal choice between them (e.g. Zwang, COMPULSION or OBSESSION).

Where translations are given both in small capitals and in ordinary type this is in order to allow the translator to employ the secondary form where the recommended form does not seem to be suitable (e.g. Analysand, generally ANALYSAND ; but 'patient' is sometimes a more easy rendering) or because the secondary form has already established itself too firmly in current writing to be completely ousted (e.g. Decker inner ung, SCREEN-MEMORY ; but 'cover memory' is constantly used). In those cases in which the German word possesses a nontechnical meaning as well as a technical one (e.g. besetzen, technically TO CATHECT, but non-technically 'to occupy, invest', etc.) the non-technical meaning has, as a rule, been omitted in the English translation.

Concerning the vexed question of hyphens in English compound words, it is, of course, impossible to lay down any absolute rules. But I have endeavoured, as far as possible, to follow ordinary usage, with a bias in favour of omitting the hyphen and keeping the two words separate (e.g. 'Oedipus complex' rather than 'Oedipus-complex'). In general, of course, the aim is to have as few compound words as possible, whether hyphenated or not, and to use an adjectival form as being less clumsy. Thus 'identificatory process' is preferred to 'identification-process' or 'process of identification'.

The possibility has also been borne in mind that new compounds are likely to be formed out of existing elements, and the way in which these might be constructed is indicated. An example of this is a word like Abwehr or Erinnerung. For a similar reason certain German words have been included which are not technical at all in themselves, but which are the basis of words which are technical. Such, for instance, is Tag.
In conclusion it may be said that this Vocabulary is obviously still incomplete in many ways and open to a great deal of modification and extension, and that any suggestions for alteration and addition will be very gratefully received, and, if possible, embodied in a revised edition later on.

Acknowledgment is in the first place due to the original Glossary Committee (which consisted, in addition to myself, of Dr. Ernest Jones, Mrs. Joan Riviere and Mr. James Strachey) without whose preliminary work the present Vocabulary would not have existed. I have also to thank Miss Anna Freud for looking through the German words and for giving much helpful advice in the selection of analytical terms ; and Dr. W. H. Gillespie for revising the medical and psychiatric terms. It should, however, be understood that the responsibility for the final decision on all doubtful points is my own."

A. S., December 1942

Der Autor

James Beaumont „Jembeau“ Strachey (* 26. September 1887 in London; † 25. April 1967 in High Wycombe) war ein englischer Psychoanalytiker. Er war der jüngere Bruder von Lytton Strachey und ist vor allem durch die Übersetzung des Gesamtwerkes Sigmund Freuds ins Englische bekannt feworden. Strachey, jüngstes von zehn Kindern, studierte Medizin in Cambridge. 1920 heiratete Strachey Alix Sargant Florence (1892–1973). James Strachey ging zu Sigmund Freud in Analyse, während Alix von Karl Abraham in Berlin analysiert wurde. Einer von James´ späteren Lehranalysanden in England war der Kinderarzt Donald W. Winnicott.(Quelle: nach Wikipedia)


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