
Autor Sheppard, Ruth
Verlag Andre Deutsch Publ., Ltd.
Auflage/ Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Format 24,5 × 28,3 cm
Einbandart/ Medium/ Ausstattung kartoniert im Schuber
Seiten/ Spieldauer 96 Seiten
Abbildungen it 160 Farb- und s/w-Abbildungen
SFB Artikelnummer (SFB_ID) SFB-003635_AC

In englischer Sprache

Zu dieser Ausgabe

Informativ und kreativ, bietet der ungewöhnlich gestaltete, mit ausklappbaren Tafeln und Faksimile-Dokumententbeilagen ergänzte großformatige Band aufschlußreiche Informationen und Bilddokumente zu Freud und der Gründungsgeschichte der Psychoanalyse. Das auch didaktisch originell konzipierte Buch ist gleichermaßen für Fachleute und am Thema interessierte Leser gut verständlich (in englischer Sprache verfasst). – Für die eigene Bibliothek und / oder als geistreiches Geschenk gleichermaßen empfehlenswert.

Sigmund Freud is known as the "Father of a Psychoanalysis", and without him and his work we would not understand ourselves as well as we do. His development of techniques such as the "talking cure", free association and the interpretation.of dreams revolutionized our understanding of our own subconscious. With the inclusion of over 150 images and 15 painstakingly researched removable documents, Explorer of the Mind details this great man's life and examines how he developed the theories for which he became famous, as well as revealing his struggles with his own neuroses and his desperate attempts to use his own techniques to understand himself.

Documents include:

  • A letter Freud wrote to Wilhelm Fliess in 1900 discussing the Dora case 
  • Handwritten notes made by Freud on the "Rat Man" case 
  • A drawing Freud produced to illustrate his theory on sexuality 
  • Extracts from Freud's personal diary covering the build up to the Second World War

Aus dem Inhalt

  • The World Before Freud
  • Freud's Childhood
  • Medical School
  • Studying Abroad
  • Marriage and Family Life
  • Freud and Psychoanalysis
  • Dream Analysis
  • The Repression of the Unconscious
  • The Cocaine Incident
  • Freud's Theories on Sexuality
  • Doctor Becomes Patient
  • The First World War
  • Death of a Daughter
  • The Ego, Super-Ego and Id
  • Life and Death Drives
  • Escape From Nazism
  • Exile in London
  • Freud and Religion
  • Illness and Assisted Suicide
  • Freud's Legacy

Über die Autorin

Ruth Sheppard is a freelance author who specializes in history. Her books include Extraordinary Heroes (2010), Alexander the Great at War (2008) and Empires Collide (2006).


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